Füri Tech Edge Sharpening Stages
detail on each of the Füri® Tech Edge™ sharpening stages: |

Stage: 1 Tech Edge Restorer |
The Tech Edge Restorer:
- Pull the blade back through the cutters several times to reshape a
'rounded' worn edge to new perfect angles. Used when introducing a
worn knife to the Tech Edge system, and around once per year to ensure
edges are perfectly set.
- Use light downward pressure: just enough to remove metal, but not
enough to bind on the edge, or create vibrations. Only pull in the
backward direction, with the cutters facing away from you.
- The Tech Edge Restorer replaces the need to use a stone or grinding
wheel, for most knife sharpening, and is faster and much more

Stage: 2 Diamond Fingers |
Diamond Fingers Sharpener:
- Pull the blade down and back through the industrial-diamond-coated
spring fingers around six times to coarse hone the cutting edge.
- Go deep while pulling back (around half depth of fingers): this
swiping motion replicates that of a Steel, to put the best
‘sawtooth’ hone on the cutting edge.
- The Diamond Fingers Sharpener replaces the need to use a diamond
Steel, and is faster and much more accurate. It will lightly reshape
an edge in reasonable condition, and create a very sharp coarse honed
- Some people use only this tool, for simplicity, though the Tech Edge
Restorer will more quickly remove material and reshape very worn
knives, and Tech Hone will create a finer and sharper edge and remove
less material for daily sharpening/honing.

Stage: 3 Tech Hone Fingers |
Tech Hone Fingers:
- Pull the blade down and back through the hardened stainless steel
spring fingers 6-12 times to very accurately and quickly hone to a
fine slicing cutting edge.
- Use the Tech Hone most of the time (after the edge has been prepared
on the first two stages), to maintain a very sharp edge with a minimum
of metal removal and longer blade life.
- The Tech Hone Fingers replaces the need to use a traditional Steel,
and is faster and much more accurate.

Folded Tech Edge Handle |
Portable ‘Fast-Fold’ handle:
- Tough ABS handle with a wire safety guard to shield the hand. Folds
flat to save space in the kitchen drawer, or in the chefs tool bag.
- Safety first: Ensure your ‘handle’ hand is always under the wire
guard whenever using Tech Edge!
- Each Tech Edge sharpener component is interchangeable in the handle:
quickly ‘clicked’ into the metal slot, and quickly pulled out to
be replaced by another Tech Edge component.